How Does Growth-Driven Web Design Work?

The traditional website design and development process can be limiting for many building materials manufacturers. When your budget is limited, it’s hard to pull off a major brand overhaul and make sure you have the resources and money to also market yourself well.

So why not combine your website build with your marketing to test and adjust along the way for real growth?

Growth-driven web design, a rising trend, is a completely new approach to thinking about, building, and growing your website.

It’s all about continuous improvement—the ability to build a strong foundation around your audience, see how they respond, and then make your site even better. You don’t have to settle with one version of your new website and hope it will perform well anymore.

How does it work?

Growth-driven design is based off of three pillars that promote a new design model that is completed in two phases. Let’s take a look.

The Three Pillars

Minimizing risks to make your project more profitable.

We work to prevent the risks that come with a traditional web design by taking an all- encompassing approach to tighten the launch timeline, focus on true impact, and aim for continuous learning, improvement, and growth.

Continuous learning and improvement is our motto.

We constantly research, test, and push the limits to learn about your website visitors. Site improvements must come from an informed point of view in order for on-going changes to garner real results. Making these changes the right way will lead to peak performance for your building materials website.

Using the improvements to inform marketing and sales.

Growth-driven design is closely integrated with inbound marketing and sales. As we learn about your visitors and design for them, we can simultaneously update and improve your marketing and sales strategies. This way, we can set up a plan to help you reach architects, homeowners, contractors, and the rest of your audience in the most effective ways possible.

The Growth-Driven Design Phases

Phase 1

This phase involves creating a strategy, wish list, and launch pad website.

The most important component of the web design process is understanding your ideal buyer profile. All of your goals, the research and planning, and the look of your website will revolve around who you’re trying to attract.

Your wish list is a way for you and your team to come together and brainstorm every possible item you would like to include on your website, from 3D modeling your building materials to a demonstration of how you create them—anything that will be truly creative and impactful for your visitors.

When it comes time to launch your website, instead of it being a permanent final product, it becomes the beginning of an on-going process for growth. That’s why we call it a launch pad—it may not be perfect at first, but it’s important to remember it’s better than your previous website and will continue to improve based on how it performs.

Phase 2

This phase is all about continuous improvement and course correcting where necessary. It allows us to take your building materials website to the next level with the growth-driven design cycle.

It’s important to be open to experimentation to figure out what works best and sincerely resonates with your personas. Once a strong foundation has been built, we can help you grow from there.

The continuous cycle you enter into after your launch pad site has gone live involves planning, development, learning, and transferring.

  • The planning stage is based off research and observation of what is and is not working.
  • The development stage is where your team comes together to implement the action items determined during the planning.
  • The learning stage is where we gather information as to whether or not that new tool or design is helping to bring in more visitors and increase conversions.
  • Finally, the transferring stage is where you take what you learned from this process and apply it to other parts of your building materials business. Here, we look for patterns and try to learn even more about your visitors, their behavior, and how they interact with your business.

Because it’s a continuous cycle, growth-driven web design is never done.

We want to help you grow your business through design that is meaningful and marketing that is measurable.